pricing in integrity + equitable solidarity

prices, philosophy + testimonials

pricing guide | prices | testimonials

To set a price on a service without considering the humanity of those receiving and giving, I believe, is to continue the cycle of inequity that exists across the world.I believe this cycle needs to be broken. That's why I offer a sliding scale pricing structure, inspired by other anti-oppressive entrepreneurs* I admire. This approach acknowledges that financial situations vary and that systemic inequalities exist, creating privileges and disadvantages we need to recognize. It also considers my own needs as a first-generation Afro-Caribbean woman raised within the low socioeconomic realities in the US.I ask that you take the factors below into consideration alongside what feels in integrity for you when selecting your price.Thank you for being in practice with me.

things to consider when selecting your price

an incomplete self-pricing guide

Consider paying lower on the scale if you:- have student loans you pay for monthly
- support children, family, or other dependents
- are a single parent and/or are the only source of income in your home/ family
- have significant debt that takes a considerable amount of your income
- receive any form of public assistance
- have immigration-related expenses
- are an elder or youth with limited financial resources
- have been denied work due to incarceration history or disability
- are a teacher in a public school system
- are a student (if this is true for you, please contact me directly)
Consider paying higher on the scale if you:- own the home you live in or own any property
- have investments, retirement accounts, or inherited money
- travel for leisure or recreationally
- have multiple sources of income by choice
- have a relatively high degree of earning power due to your level of education, assigned gender, race, class, and the like based on the dominant groups of your society (even if you do not actively leverage this power, as you may benefit from it without awareness).

updated May 15th

current pricing

Note: Be aware that if you choose lower on the scale when in fact you can afford the higher ticket, you are limiting access to those who truly need the financial flexibility.Also, please be aware that if you chose higher than you can afford, you may be causing unnecessary stress/ activation in your body.i share my pricing in a practice of disrupting predatory pricing models that trap or mislead people. These prices are based on my true needs instead of "market price".

private coaching prices

3-month commitment
✴️ $120 - $160/ session = $360-480/ month
✴️ 3 session per month with one week of integration
✴️ bi-weekly, monthly or full payment with a testimonial at the end
4-month commitment
✴️ $100 - $140/ session = $300-420/ month
✴️ 3 session per month with one week of integration.
✴️ bi-weekly, monthly or full payment with a testimonial at the end
Note: Actual price = $125/ session, $375/ month

Human Design session prices

Full HD Reading + Report
✴️ $170 - 240
Actual price = $225/ session
taste of HD
✴️ $75 - 125
Actual price = $100/ session
Follow-up Sessions
✴️ $125 - 165/ hour
Actual price = $145/ session

By choosing the investment you are engaging in the practices of a more sustainable and just community, where we dismantle oppression by honoring our humanity and liberation.Thank you for embarking in this practice with me.*Special thanks to Toi Marie Smith, Ride Free Fearless Money and Worts + Cunning Apothecary, and Nicola Brown

coaching testimonials

"I was gifted the experience of working with yasmin and I am eternally grateful. Drawing on ancestral and somatic ways of knowing, yasmin has a wonderful capacity to listen deeply while offering exercises and frameworks that generate insight. Outside my inner circle, our relationship is the only place where I have practiced presenting myself authentically. Our time together took me back to moments that needed tending so that I could move forward. At every juncture of the journey, I was felt and understood. I am always a work in progress, but with yasmin's support, I am making peace with my story and with myself."

- Measha Ferguson Smith,
Social Impact Professional

"The work we did together was crucial in a way I could never have anticipated. As someone who grew up with a fairly independent personality, I was left to cultivate my own growth with little guidance. The work we did together felt a lot like a necessary filling of those blanks. It helped me develop more confidence in my own abilities and prepare to handle situations in a way that feels most authentic to me. I also feel confident that as I grow and change, I will have no issues adjusting my approach to life and work in tandem.Our time working together also taught me that I was deserving of space to actually do this work in the first place. I always felt like coaching was something that I needed to justify with a certain amount of success or wealth, and that was not the case at all. We don't simply become. We have to go through the process of becoming, and that's what this was for me.Last, but certainly not least, the work was unflinchingly flexible, constantly molding to my personal needs when necessary. A lot of the ways that Yasmin coached me are now ways that I coach myself. She taught me that there is always a way through and equipped me with myriad tools to facilitate that process."

- Micah Daniel Gause,
Award-winning B2C Copywriter

"Coming out of working with Yasmin feels like I'm taking in deep breaths of fresh air for the first time all over again. It's not that I'm back to my old self — far from it, actually. I'm a brighter, more powerful me that's fully informed by who I once was in such that who I am now was always there within me. Yasmin helped to unleash what was deep down inside, and although it wasn't always easy, I can say my life is changed. I'm empowered. I'm nurtured. I'm someone who sees now that I can have it all. I wouldn't be here without this beautiful coaching experience."

- Michelle R. Johnson,
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer of Ghost Town Oats